Saturday, November 15, 2014

It is OK to MODIFY Your Exercises!!

It is OK to MODIFY Your Exercises!! There are many reasons why someone would need to modify when exercising and that is ok! You could be just starting out, or have had an injury, or that particular body part is not strong enough yet, or you want to quit but are not ready to give up...WHATEVER it is do not feel ashamed for modifying. If you continue to push through and complete your workout with modifications you are still doing more than if you were to give up or worse never even try! 

You can also use modifications as a way to take a quick break in a workout and then go back to the advanced version so that you can continue to work your way up to doing advanced for the entire workout. 

I personally struggle with doing regular push ups so I will start out at the advanced position and then when I feel like I can't do anymore I will drop to my knees and continue on with the workout. Many of the Beachbody programs that I use for my at home workouts include a modifier which is very helpful to follow so that you have other options in your workout. 

Check out these two moves for examples of modifications:



There are many other modifications that can be done for a variety of moves. The most important thing is to remember to push yourself and continue to work up to your goals. YOU ARE WORTH THE EFFORT!! 

NOTE: Please consult your physician before even starting a new exercise program. 

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