Tuesday, July 1, 2014

4th of July Helpful Tips to Stay on Track while attending a Cookout!

So like many of us, we will be attending cookouts on the 4th of July. And then you think...oh crap a cookout!! How is the world am I going to stay on track with my weightless goals? I guess I will just start over on Monday...wrong! You can attend a cookout and still stay on track especially if you bring something that you will eat to the cookout! The most important this is to prepare ourselves and not to go into a cookout blind.

So here are a few helpful tips before attending a cookout:

1. WORKOUT before the COOKOUT (first thing in the morning is best)

This will help to kick start your metabolism AND let's be honest how many of you would still workout after eating and drinking, for some of you, at a cookout? Slim to none. So go ahead and check that box off your daily To-Do list before the cookout.


First off, this should be done everyday! BUT especially on a cookout day because you want to be sure your metabolism is engaged and ready for the day. Plus you won't be starving by the time you get to the cookout! I start every morning off with my healthiest meal of the day so there is no reason to change that just because there is a cookout to go to! :)

3. Drink LOTS of WATER!

Increasing your water intake for that day will help with flushing out the bad foods, if any, that you eat at the cookout. Water will also help keep you hydrated especially if you are outdoors all day and drinking any kind of alcohol. This will help so that the next day you do not feel all sluggish and like you took too many steps backwards. Plus water is just good stuff and should be a daily staple anyways...Did you know you should be drinking 1/2 your body weight in ounces each day? This is not including any water that you use in your shakes. For more tips on consuming the right amount of water check out this blog post: WATER!!!

4. Bring YOUR own SNACKS

So one of the best ways to ensure that you eat healthy is to either bring your own snacks/side dishes or even meal so that you know there will be at least SOMETHING that is there that is HEALTHY! Here are a few cute snack ideas for the 4th to keep it Patriotic and Healthy:

5. Have FUN and don't STRESS!

Remember that YOU ROCK!! So even if you do not have the most successful day of staying on track with your health and fitness goals that day don't beat yourself up. You are only human and us humans make mistakes sometimes. The important thing is to realize that you just start fresh and get back on track with your next meal. One slip up is not going to harm you in your journey, however multiple slip ups repeated overtime could. But remember that everyday is a new day to improve your journey and reach your goals.

HAVE FUN this 4th of July!! Be safe! If you have any other fun recipes to share for the 4th of July post below I would love to see them!!

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